WEDNESDAY FACILITIES CHECKLIST This is the checklist to be used for all of the items that needs to be completed on this day. Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Name* First Last Start Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM CHECKLISTITEMS TO COMPLETE Check for weeds in all flower beds / Ceremony Site (as needed) Flush all toilets Clean up photo area Pressure wash Plaza Clean suites Check for trash in vendor parking Check trash on plaza and surrounding areas Wipe down metal in reception Make sure stage is clean Clean and make sure media booth is clean Clean and make sure items are where they belong in storage closet Make sure cater prep is clean Make sure table and chair storage is tidy Clean black parts of doors and window, clean the metal doors and painted media closet doo Comments*This is a required field. This is where you would add anything the we should know about. Things that need to get fixed, emergencies, changes, anything to improve our events.End Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Hours Worked* Δ